Our medical office management classes were developed by healthcare administration professionals and medical billers. And you benefit from all their years of hard-won experience.
Additionally, our online medical office management program includes lots of hands-on training with ezEMRx billing software and electronic health records (EHR). In other words, by the time you complete your training, you’re gonna know your stuff. You’ll have the skills and confidence to step right into your first gig managing a medical office.
Program Timeline
You will have 8 months of full access to this program.
Best of all, you don’t have to wait. You can begin today. As soon as your payment is processed, we’ll email your login and password so you can start training today!
8 Months of Full Access
Study Format
With CareerStep, your life comes first. Online courses mean 24/7 access, giving you the freedom to study whenever, wherever, and however you want. Got a laptop? Then you’re ready to go!
Learn from home (or anywhere)
Study online (anytime)
Learning online doesn’t mean learning alone, because we’re with you every step of the way. Real people—dedicated trainers, a technical support team, and career advisors—are all committed to your success, from pre sign up to post completion.
One-on-one support
Phone, live chat, and email
Medical Office Manager Program Courses
Our medical office management online training is based on 12 bite-sized courses. Each course covers a unique topic.
Program Orientation: Medical Office Manager
- Identify the elements, expectations, and requirements of the program.
- Navigate the program using the pages, menus, and buttons provided.
- Use the program tools, including the study planner, gradebook, and completion report, and be able to contact CareerStep via phone, email, forums, chat rooms, and social media.
- Identify and use program resources.
Digital Technology
- Have a basic understanding of the internet and evaluated hardware
- Understand and be able to use various programs and apps
- Be able to explain privacy and digital security in digital technology
- Describe the fundamentals of input and output
- Have an understanding of network devices
- Use technology to help you find a career
Microsoft Office 2019: Foundations
- Explore, interact, and apply Microsoft Word features and functions at the beginner level.
- Explore, interact, and apply Microsoft Excel features and functions at the beginner level.
- Expand understanding of the basic Microsoft Word and Excel software features through experimentation, critical thought, and personalization skills.
- Engage in real-world scenarios to reinforce basic critical skills when using Microsoft Word and Excel in an educational or professional setting.
Introduction to Healthcare
- Identify health information management concepts common to allied health professionals.
- Describe characteristics of health care delivery and settings in the United States.
- Delineate career opportunities for health information management professionals.
Law, Liability, and Ethics for Healthcare
- Describe the structure of the healthcare industry and how it relates to the medical office profession.
- Identify law and regulations related to the healthcare workplace.
- Describe how law flows from the constitution to the courtroom.
- Recognize what makes a contract and who can contract.
Fundamentals of HIPAA
- Explain the role of health information management in patient care documentation and medical coding and billing.
- Identify types of health records and the documentation requirements, data sources, collection tools, and potential issues associated with each type.
- Discuss the evolution of the electronic health record (EHR) and its administrative and clinical applications.
Patient Care Coordination and Education
- Review how to administer and coordinate general patient care according to professional best practices.
- Explore the role and responsibilities in administering patient care.
- Explore the role and responsibilities in facilitating patient education.
- Summarize basic communication best practices and potential barriers to effective communication with patients.
Medical Administrative Assistant
- Describe the differences between common healthcare delivery models.
- Describe the types of services typically offered in medical offices, including general and specialty services.
- Define ancillary services and alternative therapies.
Medical Billing
- Explain health insurance careers, opportunities, and expectations.
- Differentiate between major health insurance programs, government-sponsored health benefit programs, and related federal health care legislation.
- Explain revenue cycle management.
- Demonstrate basic principles of national diagnosis and procedure/service coding and compliance systems.
- Explain Impact of coding compliance, clinical documentation improvement (CDI), and coding for medical necessity in health care settings.
- Complete CMS-1500 and UB-04 claims and payer-specific claims.
Comprehensive Electronic Health Records
- Demonstrate how patient records are used and regulated.
- Complete tasks required for scheduling a patient.
- Review clinical information reporting.
- Explore revenue cycle and financial reporting.
Communication and Customer Service in the Healthcare Office
- Identify the various types and styles of communication used in a healthcare office.
- Review how verbal, non-verbal, and written communication skills contribute to patient experience and outcome in a health care office.
- Identify professional communication techniques for a healthcare office, including interviewing techniques and use of medical terminology and patient-accessible language.
Program Completion: Medical Office Manager
- Prepare to take the next steps after program completion.
Medical Office Manager Certifications
CareerStep’s online Medical Office Manager training covers the knowledge and skills you need to successfully sit for industry-recognized certification. We want to support our learners in securing the certification that fits based on your career goals and current job requirements. Your training includes up to three different exam vouchers for the certifications listed below, as well as a certification prep package, relevant to your training – a significant value add of several hundred dollars.

Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)
Validate your expertise in healthcare administrative tasks with the CMAA from the National Healthcareer Association.

Certified Electronic Health Records Specialist (CEHRS)
Demonstrate you have the Electronic Health Record skills with the CEHRS from the National Healthcareer Association.

Certified Billing and Coding Specialist (CBCS)
Validate your knowledge of industry coding and billing with the CBCS certification from the National Healthcareer Association (NHA).
Ready to Get Started?
Call (800) 411-7073
to speak with a career advisor